Tuesday, October 19, 2004


Channel 48 WGTW is a local, awful station in Philadelphia and is only about 4 minutes away from my house. Since I can never go to sleep when I want to, I was watching this channel last night real late and I came across a program that was devoted to The Passion of the Christ. Unfortunately I missed the first few minutes so I didn't see the name of the show, but in the bottom right corner of the screen I could see the letters ATF. Alcohol, tobacco and fireams? Why would they do a Jesus show? So I watched a little more and I found out that it stood for "Acquire the Fire," making it even funnier. Anyway it was a show written, directed, and produced by Jesus Freaks for Jesus Freaks (kinda like FUBU). The host of this show reminded me of a Jesus loving Carson Daly without the awkwardly positioned wristbands and failed comedy bits.

The topic of this show as mentioned before was The Passion but not so much about the movie itself, but if it was OK for Christians to go see an R rated movie. The host said something like: "Now I know we don't want to make it a habit of going to see R rated movies, but this one is so important because it shows the suffering of the Lord, our God who died for our salvation." Sadly that quote somehow failed to make the poster, but I'm sure you can find it written somewhere on the DVD. For the episode they managed to get an interview with Jesus Himself, Jim Cavieezezelievl. The host (I'm looking hard for the name, here's the website) prefaced the interview something like this: "Another great reason to see this film is that we get to see what Jesus looked like in His day. We have an interview with him now, here's Jim Caveeirhgkdzl." Jim Caviezel's black?

After the Jesus interview they took the cameras straight to a theater that had just premiered the film to the public, for an exit poll type interview. This is where I got real sad that no one was watching this show with me because nothing could be funnier than Jesus Freaks crying. Unfortunately, I didn't have a pen and paper to write down the quotes, but here's the best one I can remember. I'll set it up for you. They were talking to a kid who was probably 17 or 18 and he was dressed like a normal white teenager dresses. This kid, of course, was crying and his face was red, and here is his exact quote: "I'm so happy I got to see this movie. Now I know what Jesus did for us. I WANT THAT PASSION!" Well, as you could imagine, I lost it at this point. This kid screamed "I WANT THAT PASSION!" Where did that come from? What passion? How did he manage to go from crying to pumped to angry so fast? These are the questions that they should have been asking, and I really think they would if they didn't take themselves so seriously.

RANDOM THOUGHT: TV shows on DVD should be called TVD.


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