Thursday, October 21, 2004

This is awesome!

My tounge feels heavy. Yes, I realize this is a drunk post but I feel AWESOME! GO SOX! This is the greatest night of my life and I haven't even left the house. Sweet Jesus this is awesome. I'm gonna regret this the first time I read this. GO SOOO-OX! The Nation lives! I apologize in advance. I know not what I do. Well I do now but I'm sure I'll forget it. I'm waiting to wake up even though I may never fall asleep. Sweet God I spelled everything right! I'm awesome? Yes, I am. YES!!! Again, I apologize. I think I spelled everything right. Mybe I didn't but who cares? What? You care? Shutup. I hate you. I'm pathetic. I took me five minutes to find the "C". But I found it, so there. You suck, I need to be in Boston right now. Man, I suck. Will I ever end this post? I think not. It took me seven minutes to find the "." but I did in the end. I want the Astros. Bring it on you fatboy Clemens. Wow, I'm sorry for this post. Why can't I stop writing? I suck, I know. No need to comment even though it would be a first. I;m an embarassment to everyone I know and for that I apologize but in the end I don't care cause THE IDIOTS ARE IN THE SERIES! I could die now and everything would be perfect. I don't even need to see the series, my life is over. I'm waiting to wake up. Did I say that before? No editing here BABY! You all suck. Me too. Why don't I stop? Buy Elliott Smith's "From a Basement on a Hill," you won't regret it. Album of the new milennium. I don't think I spelled milennium right. Oh well, who cares? What? You care? Shutup. I don't believe I wrote all that. Why can't I stop? I don't want to stop that's why, sucka. I'm really gonna regret this but who cares? I know I don't. Wow, my whole mouth feels heavy now. I am on the wrong track. It's hard to see the keys on a black keyboard in the dark but I think I've done a good job. This is pathetic. I'm pathetic. Get your laughs in. I din't care. At least not now I don't. My toes are curling and I can't stop them. GO SOX! Sweeeeeet Lord I don't believe this happened. How many fingers am I holding up? Who cares? I don't. They did it. My dreams came true and now I can die. Next week will be incredible and painfual all at the same time. I don't believe I made it through this week. My birthday is Bloomsday, which is funny cause now I'm just writing what I'm thinking all freestyle-like like that Irish hero of mine even though I haven't even read Ulysses. I think I spelled that wrong but at least I used punctuation in that post. Unless, of course, Joyce used punctuation where I thought he didn't, and if that's the case then I apologize for my stupid thoughts. I don't believe they did it even though I always thought they would. I apologize for everything abpove and below and all around. I know that didn't make sense but who cares? They made it. I will never believe it. This is all a joke I'm playing on myself. I orchastrated everyting. None of this happened. Goodbye. I'm gonna regret this. Why don't I stop? I'm!

RANDOM FACT: My toes are swollen.


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